Sunday, September 6, 2009

How to secure a Linksys wireless router using WEP.

1. Access the router's Setup Page. On your computer, open a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.), and on the Address bar type in the numbers, and press enter. (Tip: temporarily disable your pop up blocker so the log in box will appear on your screen and if incase you already have your own router log in Password, just use it to access its page).

2. Click on its Wireless tab, then go to the Wireless Security sub tab.

3. If you would like to secure the router using a WEP code, just select WEP on the Security Mode option.

* There are two kinds of WEP code, on is a 64-bit encryption, and the other one is the 128-bits.
A 64-bits encryption requires a 10 digit code. That means, you need to create a 10 digit code on the router's page. It can be a 10 digit number such as your phone, or it could be all letters such as your name, however, for the letters you can only use letters A-F. . You can also create a combination of numbers and letters but then again, you have to limit it only up to 10 digits. Nothing more, nothing less.

* If you will select a 128-bits encryption, the same rule will apply, however you have to create a 26-digit codes. That means, 26 numbers, or a 26 letter word, or a combination of both.

4. Passphrase. In the Passphrase field, there is where you type any word you prefer, and hit the generate button. It will automatically, generate either a 10 or a 26-digit codes, depending if it is a 64-bit or a 128-bits encryption. But, I personally advice that you leave it blank so you can then create your own preferred wireless password.

5. Click on Save Settings.

Congratulations! Your network is now secured.

How to configure a wireless Linksys router using Cable connection

This procedure applies to most Linksys routers such as the following models:
  and a lot more

*Be sure that you have an Internet connection direct from the modem before you configure the router.

1. Make sure that the physical connection of your devices are correct. Take a cord or the RJ45 Ethernet cable, and plug it to the router's Internet port, plug the other end of that cord to the modem. Take another cable, and plug it to one of the router's four numbered ports, then plug the other end of the second cable to your computer's Ethernet or LAN port.

2. Press and hold the router's reset button (which can be found at the router's back panel) for 30 seconds.

3. Let go of the reset button.

4. Power off (unplug its power adapter) the router for a minute. This is also called as a power cycle.

5. Make sure that the router's Power led is then stable. If it is, you are now ready to access the router's page and configure it.

6.  Access the router's Setup Page. On your computer, open a browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.), and on the Address bar type in the numbers, and press enter. (Tip: temporarily disable your pop up blocker so the log in box will appear on your screen).

7. If it will ask you for a log in, just leave the User Name, blank, and type the word admin (in lower case) in the Password. Press Enter.
You should then see a Setup Page similar to the image above.
8. On the Setup tab, make sure that the Internet Connection Type is set to Automatic.
9. Click on the MAC Address Clone sub tab. It is the tab, right beside Basic Setup. Click on Enable, and click on the button that says "Clone my PC's MAC", and click on Save Settings. (refer to the image below.)
10. Click on the Security tab, and make sure that the option "Block WAN or Anonymous Internet Requests" is not selected. Save the changes. (refer to the image below.)
11. Your router's settings is now properly configured. For the changes to take effect, do a complete powercycle.
12. Restart your computer. Power off the router, then the modem. Wait for a minute. Power on the modem, wait for its led lights to be stable, then power off the router.
You may open a new browser, and enjoy surfing the net.
You can do the following procedures for almost all types of Cable ISP such as the following:
Cable Vision
