Saturday, April 4, 2009

Virus Alert!

Conficker is the name of the new virus that is created to attack Windows computers. It is also called the computer worm. It is believed to have the capability to get your passwords or accounts and log ins. So be very carefully when doing an important transaction over the Internet. Reports say, that the virus will start attacking computers last April 1, but there has not been any verified reports as of yet. Still, it is advised that people be very vigilant because as they say, the virus may attack anytime. Below are some tips on how you can prevent the virus from getting into your computer system.

1. Update your Anti-Virus software.

2. Do not open unknown or suspicious e-mails, as viruses can sometimes get into your computers through e-mails.

3. Do not browse malicious websites.

4. Do not share folders and files.

5. Do not use other people's USB drive.

6. Do not make any online transactions as of yet.

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