Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ways to get Pregnant: My own personal story

Hello ladies! Hello Gentlemen! I would like to share my personal experience in trying to get pregnant.

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for six months, it may not sound that long, but for a couple as hopeful as we do, it felt like we are waiting forever. We have tried all sorts of things, our friends advised us some tips that we did follow, but to no avail. We even reached the point of considering IVF. We are actually one of those couples who are facing their computers for a long time searching for the answers to this question: How can I get pregnant? Or, How do I get pregnant?

One day, my husband has a doctor's appointment, this is a fertility checkup. We have followed all the instructions such as abstinence for three days, no alcohol and all sorts of things. When the result finally came, I have no idea about it because he was so afraid that I might be disappointed with the outcome. Finally, he was able to gather all the courage needed and told me the result. He was sad, and I then know that something is wrong. He told me what the doctor told him. He said, the doctor told him that he could not bear a child through natural process. As a wife, all I could do is to assure him that I understand, and that there is no one to blame since none of us wants it to happen. But in all honesty, I did not lose hope because I still have this motherly instinct (I guess) that one day, we will have our very own little miracle.

Days past by, and its my turn to have my fertility checkup with my OB. She was so nice, and very accommodating. I told her, we have been trying for a couple of months already, and that we really want to have a baby. Her first  advice to us, is to use an ovulation kit. Yes, you heard it right, just the kit and nothing else. It is like a pregnancy test kit, only that it will detect your most fertile day, and that's the time you will do your "couple thing" . So, we gladly bought a box of it, and tried. The first month was not successful, simple because we did not follow the instructions :). Then comes the second month of using it, this time carefully following every single instructions provided. I was delayed for 11 days, when I saw a small blood right there. I was thinking, oh well, here comes my period. I told my husband, and obviously he was frustrated. I wore my regular pad, and to my surprised the next morning, there was nothing in there. Not even a single drop of blood. OMG! This is exciting! I told my hubby to buy me a pregnancy test. When he came back, I immediately went to the bath room and test myself. Whoa! I saw two bold lines! I am pregnant! Thank you Lord! My husband and I couldn't believe it.

So, there goes our pregnancy story. My advice to everyone, is keep trying and praying. There are a lot of options available, never lose hope. There are many available resources for you, there are a thousands of good e-books that will guide you step by step until you finally get pregnant. One good e-book I found is the Pregnancy Miracle book. It is a Holistic and Ancient Chinese System for getting pregnant. This could be one of the best books you will ever read. If you want to know more about the book, you may visit their website: Get Pregnant!

Goodluck everyone!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shred That Fat!

They say that the measurement of beauty nowadays is not just a woman's inner beauty, but also her physical attributes such as her beautiful face and body. They say, that a woman's physical appearance reflects the way she takes good care of herself. No wonder, a lot of women would do everything just to have that beautiful perfect slim body that everybody else would envy. And because of that, most women would resort to starving, binging, and other unhealthy ways just to lose weight.

I know it sounds alarming, but the good news is, there is a diet program that will help women shred all that unnecessary fats without starving or harming themselves. The name of the program is The Diet Solution Program . It is the number 1 Honest and All Natural Diet and Nutrition Program on the Internet. And, they are true to their motto that says: "Stop Dieting...Start Eating...Start Living!". They have a lot of information on their website that can show you how to be healthy and lose weight.

Start losing weight now! It's your time to shine! Girl Power! Visit their website for more details. CLICK HERE: YOUR SEXY BODY

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Apple's iPad: Now out in the market!

For those who are gadget fanatic, Apple has just released a new revolutionary product, and they call is, "The iPad". It looks very similar to the iPhone only a lot bigger. It has the full functionality of an iPod Touch, and also you can use it as an E-reader or your own personal notebook, for a change. You can even use it as a digital frame, and put it on top of your desk. True, there really are a lot of thinsg you can do with it, and no wonder that it has a tag price of $499.00, and that's a lot! Whew! I may need to start saving now. Some people liked it, and some don't. As for me, I don't think it will be handy since it's kinda big, and also it does not have its own keyboard for ease of use when you are typing something. I would still prefer to use a laptop over the iPad.

We'll, let's wait and see, hope I can grab one soon so I can try it myself. Will somebody give me one? wink*
